
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

☆♥*♥☆Turtle Wisdom ☆♥*♥☆

by Lorraine Valente

Hi Everyone,

The weather is absolutely beautiful here in sunny New Jersey, as it has been throughout the Labor Day weekend.  I hope everyone had a restful or fun weekend.  This morning, a few hours after our New Virgo Moon, Venus, planet of love, desire and attraction, entered passionate Scorpio. When a planet changes signs, particularly on a New or Full Moon, it ushers in energy and encourages a cosmic shift in awareness.  I pay close attention to people, places, and things that come into my life during this time. 

Today, quite unexpectedly, via peripheral vision, I noticed something stirring in the woods where I feed a colony of stray cats.  At first I thought it was perhaps a squirrel rummaging and scurrying for food and paid no mind to the rustling wind-blown leaves.  Upon closer examination though, there was a large turtle or tortoise sitting in the pet food dish with a large portion of, what appeared to be, a pepper dangling from its mouth-beak!  I looked at him and he at me and I exclaimed, "Wow, a turtle!" out load, then, "I wish I had my camera, I'll retrieve my phone in the car", in my minds voice.  During this brief encounter and having acknowledged his presence, the turtle, who did what turtles do, was evidently startled by my intrusion, dropped the food, and scurried off into the leaves where (s)he stood motionless. I ran for my phone and snapped one photo, here for you, before he shuffled along his way.

I later recalled discussing "Turtle" symbolism with an online friend who adopted a turtle found a few years ago.  Turtle is symbolic of Earth Mother because she carries her shell~house on her back.  Native Americans believe Turtle personifies goddess energy and cycles of give and take. She traverses both land and water which represent the turtle's two homes. She teaches how to protect yourself and set healthy boundaries as well as speaking up if you are attacked.   The Hindus consider turtle or tortoise a lunar creature.  The Chinese believed the turtle to support the World. Turtle was companion of Venus/Aphrodite and Mercury/Hera and Nigerians say turtle represents the female sex organs.

According to Medicine Cards (Sams and Carson, 1999), turtle moves along at its own pace, in its own season.  When provided the opportunity, turtle says "all good things in time" and "patience is a virtue".  Joy and abundance will follow.

Keywords for Turtle/Tortoise: Deliberate, Perseverance, Patience, Earth Mother, Goddess, Fertility, Traveling, Wisdom, Protection, Vegetarianism, Long Life, Timing, Developing New Ideas, Psychic Protection, Learning to Relax.

Enjoy your week and remember, I'm available for consultations and readings 7 days via phone, e-mail or in-person.

Lorraine Valente

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1 comment:

  1. This comment was posted by Trish, some technical difficulty didn't post it:


    Wonderful material written on the above.
    I remember learning, many moons ago, that the American
    Indians (even more many moons ago), compared the
    geography of the whole north america to the Turtle.
    Hopefully thats a good omen for us and I guess compared
    to the rest of the world, it is.

    Yesterday morning, I opened my front door to fetch my morning
    newspaper to the sight of a chameleon/lizard, who managed to squeeze under
    my screen door and was inside of my house, after he greeted me!
    So there is one loose somewhere in my house, but they don't bother me as
    I use to have one as a pet when I was nine...named, "Sam"!

    What are your thoughts on lizard energy?
    Dream time? I know that Jim Morrison was called the lizard king!

    How's everything else going?

    Write when you can,


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