
Saturday, August 14, 2010

☆♥*♥☆Mercury Retrograde (rx)☆♥*♥☆

by Lorraine Valente

Dear Stargazers...

Gemini and Virgo ruled Mercury is turning retrograde (apparent backward motion) on Friday, August 20th at 3:59 EDT, for 3 1/2 weeks.

What can we experience? Disruptions in communications, forgetfulness, electronic mishaps, the fax you sent didn't go through even though you re-ceived a confirmation re-ceipt, travel delays, return of the "exe's".  Yes, it's true, people who you thought were out of your life forever, suddenly return with something else to say.  Sometimes past lovers "re-concile" after "re-evaluating" their "re-lationship" when Mercury backs up.

How to best handle Mercury rx? It's best to not make major decisions or sign important contracts, purchase new electrical equipment or shoes.  If you absolutely must make decisions, do so on contingency and read all legal documents at least 3 times! Back up important computer documents and be mindful of yours and others words and actions.

Here are some keywords for Mercury rx:

Re-vival, re-pair, re-vise, re-turn, re-word, re-phrase, re-ctify, re-voke, re-newal, re-birth, re-view, re-late, re-lationships, re-alization, re-conciliation, re-moval (of negativity, outmoded ideas, etc.), re-visit, re-vamp, re-novate, re-do, re-juvenate, re-flect, re-generate, re-ceive, and most importantly, re-lax!

August 1, 2010: Mercury entered the pre-shadow at 05 degrees Virgo.

August 20, 2010: Mercury retrogrades (rx) at 19 degrees Virgo.

September 12, 2010: Mercury turns direct at 05 degrees Virgo.

December 10, 2010: Mercury retrogrades at 05 degrees Capricorn.

"Coincidentally" when Mercury turned direct at 05 degrees of Capricorn on January 15, 2010, it was conjunct the degree of the June 26, 2010 Partial Lunar Eclipse! Mercury will turn retrograde again, on December 10th, also at 5 degrees of Capricorn. Mercury and its associated symbolism has been prominent during the year and for these dynamic Eclipse cycles. The 5th degree would have been triggered by these important planetary energies in your own birth chart!

Remember, if you would like to know where 5 degrees resides in your own birth chart, I'm available for consultations and readings 7 days via phone, e-mail or in-person.

Lorraine Valente
 (c) All rights reserved. Permission is required to copy any portion of this article, blog or websites.

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