
Sunday, August 22, 2010

☆♥*♥☆The Hermit~Virgo ☆♥*♥☆

by Lorraine Valente

Tarot Card # 9~The Hermit~Symbolic of Virgo.

The Hermit represents a person who is a teacher of the true meaning of life and is also on a spiritual path. The Hermit stands alone and is isolated. He is cloaked in a gray (wisdom) robe, head down, eyes closed, looking within. He holds an illuminated lamp in his right hand held out and up to the sky, as if guiding him on a path. The light inside of the lamp is in the shape of a star. In his left hand, a golden staff is held representing intelligence. The Hermit lights the way for others who have lost their way. When this card appears in a reading, perhaps we need to shed light on a situation in order to heal. Since light casts shadows, it also encourages us to deal with contradictions within, including those of the shadow self. Virgo assimilates spiritual knowledge including the desire to serve.

When this card appears in a reading, critical thinking is blended with intuition. Good advice and pure intentions are indicated. You must persevere to achieve a particular goal.  Look within for guidance. Introspection, attainment and realizing your purpose is possible.

Negatively, the appearance of The Hermit may imply you are being overly critical, obsessed with details and disorganized. There is a need to organize your thoughts and defer to a Higher Power.

Enjoy your week and remember, I'm available for consultations and readings 7 days via phone, e-mail or in-person.

Lorraine Valente

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