
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

☆♥*♥☆ Strong Sun Moon ~ Flicker ☆♥*♥☆

Strong Sun Moon ~ Flicker
In Native American Astrology, those born from June 21~July 22nd are born under the Strong Sun Moon and their animal totem is the Flicker or Woodpecker. Their color is pink and they are part of the Frog Elemental Clan. The flicker is a member of the woodpecker family and is known for its perseverance and relentlessness in the face of security desires or needs, particularly if it involves their children. The flicker is quick, precise and detail oriented.

The name flicker is actually dervied from one of its sounds. It makes a variety of sounds, and during mating season it displays its greatest musical talents. "Their drumming is also tied to the mysteries of music and rhythm. Anyone with Flicker as a totem would be wise to study the use of percussion instruments i.e.: Drums and rattles” (Andrews).  Flicker people are also home oriented. Having a comfortable and beautiful living environment is important to Flickers. They function best when their home; physical, emotional, and mental, is attractive, comfortable, calm, and running smoothly.

The carnelian agate is their mineral totem. Carnelian was the first hard stone engraved in ancient times. Because of its color, carnelian has been associated with blood. It was considered a stone used in emergencies, thought to possess an ability to stop blood flowing from wounds. It is useful in healing people. Because of its color, it is also associated with the heart. The stone is often given to ones object of affection as a pledge of love.

Woodpecker was known to the Romans as the bird of the god Mars. Powerful neck muscles and persistence makes it possible for them to dig in wood for bugs. They are also able to climb up and down trees without a problem, defying gravity. There is a resident woodpecker outside my office window and he usually hangs upside down on the bark of the tree; truly quite the acrobat! “In Greece and Rome, woodpeckers symbolized war, destruction, sudden attacks, and storms. Germans called it the Little King in the West and the “King of Birds” (Conway).  Woodpecker is both beautiful and fascinating to watch.

Keywords: Prophecy, Rhythm, Persistence, Acrobatics, Music, Drumming, Good luck, Blood, Warning, Opportunity, Restless, Healing Love, Storms.

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Thank you, and have a wonderful day!☮Peace

Lorraine Valente

Ted Andrews-Animal Speak
D. J. Conway~Animal Majick

(c) All rights reserved. Opinions and interpretation/analysis expressed are the sole intellectual property of Lorraine Valente. Permission is required to copy, emulate, or electronically broadcast any portion of this article, blog, or website(s). Copyright, credits and above info must be included in all copying. Interpretations are for research and entertainment purposes only. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for passing along such an interesting article on Strong Sun Moon Flicker. Nice share...!!


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