
Friday, April 1, 2011

☆♥*♥☆ April's Cosmic Events ☆♥*♥☆

Dear Cosmic Cohorts,

Here's the rundown for the month of April.

Remember....April Showers bring May Flowers ~ (◠)

4/1: April Fool's Day, Moon void-of course (VOC) since Thursday am thru Saturday am.  There are no aspects. A good day to chill out.
4/2: Mars♂ ---> Aries♈, Moon☽---> Aries♈, Venus♀ * Pluto♇
4/3: New Moon 13° Aries 30', MarsUranus, SunSaturn
4/4: Neptune ♆---> Pisces
4/6: Sun conjunct Jupiter♃, have fun but don't overdo it.
4/9: Pluto turns retrograde (rx)  7° Capricorn 30 until September 16, 2011 at 04° Capricorn 17' Sun conjuncts Mercury☿ rx retrograde.
4/11: Mars square Pluto♇= controlling men and anger, better use this energy on your work-out plan, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter♃= Watch what you say and to whom, the glip tongue.
4/17: Palm Sunday, Full Moon 27° Libra 44", Full Moon is always a culmination of energy from the last New Moon.
4/18: Mars opposite Saturn♄, power struggles, frustated efforts, perseverance.
4/19: Passover begins, Mercury conjunct Mars, the gift of gab.
4/20: Sun ---> Taurus, Happy Birthday Taurus♉!, Sun sextile * Neptune♆
4/21: Venus♀ ---> Aries
4/22: Earth Day, Good Friday, Orthodox Good Friday, Venus♀ conjunct☌ Uranus = Unexpected, unsual attractions.
4/23: Mercury SD turns direct motion at  12° Aries 53'.
4/24: Easter Sunday, Orthodox Easter
4/26: Passover ends
4/27Venus♀ squares Pluto♇=  avoid controlling relationships about $$ and power.
4/30: Venus♀ opposes☍ Saturn♄, , somber, witholding feelings, inhibition from authority figure, control spending.
3 days before the New Moon is called the Balsamic Phase. The Balsamic Phase is the Wishing Moon~!

*Make a Wish, Blow a Kiss to the Universe! *

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Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


c) All rights reserved. Opinions and interpretation/analysis expressed are the sole intellectual property of Lorraine Valente. Permission is required to copy, emulate, or electronically broadcast any portion of this article, blog, or website (s). Copyright, credits and above info must be included in all copying.  Interpretations are for research and entertainment purposes only. Thank you.

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