March 20/21st heralds the entrance of the astronomical Sun into the sign of 00 degrees of
Aries. Emerging from Pisces and the 12th house, we reluctantly emerge from a surreal, embryonic cradle, starry-eyed and impressionable.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the starting point by which we begin our journey and evolutionary cycles.
0 Degrees of
Aries is also called the Aries Point or AP. Astronomically, this point marks the place where the Sun crosses the equatorial plain in the North, or the Sun/Earth midpoint. Uranian Astrologers link 0 degrees to all the cardinal signs. Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra, & Capricorn) initiates, motivated into action, and requires a physical, creative, or emotional outlet. Cardinal energy represents movement from an inner, passive quality to an assertive, outer quality. It is the will to be noticed, like seedlings pushing their way through the soils surface towards the warmth of light. Some would say that the first house and 0 Aries is where
Spirit emerges and the starting point likened to The Fool's Journey in the Tarot.